Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Milena Velba Vs Skinny

founding charter


"On behalf of the Holy and Undivided Trinity. It is the role of bishops to provide for hello and peace of their subjects, both clergy and laity, not only for the present time but also for the more distant future. Therefore, I, William, Bishop of Poitiers by the grace of God, I gave the board for the foundation of St. Mary's ford Trizay, to recall witnesses , and to inform the future by this Charter.

Then the prayer of Dom
Guichard, abbot of Beine, André Baudiment of his monk, and other brothers who had started the construction of that place, that, on the other hand, the founders themselves, Herve de Mareuil, Geoffroy Tiffauges, Peter Bishop and his brother's Chaize, I assured my seal of this charter, for the donation to the monks who serve Christ, remains free, peaceful and beneficial for ever.

said Herve de Mareuil therefore gave to the Lord, St. Mary, Father Guichard Pontigny and monks said Trizay in our hands, the holy seat of the abbey itself, such that it was consecrated for the cemetery, having acquired by exchange, without violence or coercion, in bona fide owner. Its own field, he gave all the land between the "Mons Botentreus" (The Bourie?), "Lanaiae (Lantay?), And Pierrière up land Renaud Papin (The Papinière?) , that of Field Cheuret, darn that of the land and vines of "asperlerium" whole earth Thibaud Bachelier, without reservation, as far as we know or can find any that he shares with William Griffier ( Gueffier?), called the Altar of Earth, or Wood-Common, and moreover, all the earth Geoff Plague, who had Hervé, the neighborhood of Argellerie, the land of Walnut sous Bois-Morin, and all his estate to Rainardière.

And all this part of his estate, he gave it to the Lord and St. Mary Trizay at the beginning of the foundation, before Don Guichard, abbot of Pontigny Andre Baudiment, and the other monks and brothers of this place in the presence of his soldiers and servants, Savary, Senebrand, cupbearer of Sainte Hermine, Pierre de Mareuil, his brother, Payen Bodin, Renaud Mouth bitter Senebrand Gerard Pierre Pigier and Burgundy on one side by that of Aimery Ganacheau, the other by the creek bridge Aimery; land of Peter Pigier and Renaud Papin the Burgundian, which depends on the same fee and confronted, and which Jean-Baptiste and Bérus, brothers of Bourguignon, gave them free hand to the Lord and to the monks, what are witnesses Pierre Achard, "Sturnius Beris Malus" Florentine cleric, and the monks, Brother Raoul, all the earth and the vines of Guillaume du Puy du Fou, confronting the abbey to the south, what are witnesses, Chabot Tibaud son Hervé, Savary Senebrand, Payen Bodin, Renaud Bodin, Mouth, bitter, and for monks, brother Raoul.

In addition, he has granted them the right to sell and buy freely and in peace all markets of his fief, everything needed, and the extent of its land and its wood, the right to use timber and firewood and grazing pigs and other livestock, and all other needs.

Similarly, Geoffroy Tiffauges and his brother Peter Bishop, the monks in the cloister of Mareuil, through the pen of Andre Baudiment, volunteered in our hand sacred to God and Abbey Trizay to, any right to use in their timber Chaize for lumber, firewood, grazing cattle and pigs. They also conceded, for everything you need to except for donations and sales, free and peaceful enjoyment of a franchise on their full market Mareuil. What are cookies, Gilbert, Bishop of Poitiers, in whose hand the gift was made, Guichard, abbot of Pontigny Baudiment Andre Pasquier, priest of St. Hilaire, Herve de Mareuil, Savary Sainbrand "

translation presented in the Company of emulation by Leon Chai 1970-1971 Vendee

The Latin text is sent to us including John Besly, King's attorney in Fontenay le Comte and historiographer Poitou (1572-1642), linked to the scholars of his time.

2009 Oil painting, 40x40. Patrick Cottencin


On the edge of Lay, a corner of Nature
blue sky, was born the butt of a fern ...

title: constructions are done, the act of prayer,
the deed, lets in light ...

At the dawn of my memories,

Water and Salt soften my skin ...

The brutality of men, our prayer
knees in the soft clay ...

The wind, waves, rise
together with the soul. ..

following pages caused Google to digitize

BIOGRAPHY source: Archives county of the Vendee
Besly But the glory is mostly posthumous: it comes from his "History of the Counts of Poitou and Duke of Guyenne," a sum of scholarship to which he devoted nearly forty years of his life, which will be published that 'In 1646, two years after his death. Pioneering and monumental work that has made the first real historian Besly of Poitou. "

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wet Cervical Mucus Day Before Period

In Vendée, Abbaye Notre-Dame de Trizay wish you a Merry Christmas, Love and night coming, any simple Candlelight ...

"There's nobility in the vicinity of Luzon a great spirit of freedom, even of independence, a lot of honor, integrity, good nature ... The nobility allied in the country, all families are therefore related by relatives and form a sort of confederation in which perfect equality reigns and even extreme familiarity despite the inequality of fortunes. Vendée nobility without being proud, a great idea of his rank, it does not go to court and does not love those who are present there ...

hospitality between gentlemen is a common law, young people go from castle to castle and are always welcomed, and the ladies also traveling on long stay with their friends.
We love meetings, fairs, ballads, préveils ....
We also like the round dances, the ancient gavottes only animated voice ... "
Brumauld Beauregard 1789
vicar general of the Bishop of Lucon

Celebrate New Year with joy, let's drink to the health of love, let us mad love of beauty and worthy of passing time, without which we can not fully rejoice.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember the peace that can exist in silence.
without surrender, as far as possible on good terms with all persons. Tell your truth quietly and clearly. Listen to others, even the simple-minded and ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
Do you compare with others, there are always bigger and smaller than you. Enjoy your achievements as well as your accomplishments. Do not be blind with regard virtue there.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love not because it is in front of any disenchantment, as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have the right to be here. And it is clear to you or not, the universe is unfolding as it probably should. Whatever your work and your dreams, keep in the noisy confusion of life, peace in your yard. With all its sham and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Try to be happy.
The author is Max Ehrmann , a poet and lawyer from Terre Haute

Indiana, who lived from 1872 to 1945. It was reported that
Desiderata was inspired by the desire qu'Ehrmann described in his diary: "
I should "like, If I Could, to leave a humble gift - a bit of chaste prose That HAD caught up Some noble moods.

(" I would if I could leave a humble gift - a bit of chaste prose that could serve some noble moods. ")

In 1959, Rev. Frederick Kates, the rector of the Church of St. Paul

Baltimore, used the poem in a collection of material
he compiled for his congregation. At the beginning of the book was the annotation: "the church Old Saint Paul, AD Baltimore. 1692. "
Plus the book passed from hand to hand over his paternity became obscure. Copies with the notation "of the Church of Old St. Paul" were printed and widely distributed in the years that followed.
It is understandable in this case that the annotation editor can interpret as meaning that the poem was found in the church and wrote in 1692. This has undoubtedly added to the charm and contributed to the attractiveness of the poem, despite the fact that the language suggests a more modern origin. The
prose poem was popular in the various spiritual movements of the 1960s and 1970s. When Adlai Stevenson

died in 1965, a guest in his home found a copy of Desiderata near his bed and discovered that Stevenson had planned to use it for his Christmas cards. The ensuing publicity helped expand the fame of this poem, as well as its erroneous report to the Church of Old St. Paul. A court annulled the rights and put the collection in the public domain, but other courts have held that the copyright belongs to the heirs of Ehrmann. Source: Wikipedia
"I am delighted to take life a little of the abbey on your blog, although I can not post comments. I was impressed by the photos of the Heritage Day, the number of visitors (what success, it's fantastic!), all the work to prepare the rooms and move your paintings ... I also found it very moving testimonies from people . This place is really an indicator of human beauty. Congratulations and thank you for having initiated this movement. " Vincent.

Given the interest and demand from visitors,

exposure to oil paintings Patrick Cottencin

is ongoing and by appointment .

"Three years of painting in mind at the Abbey ..."

2009 oil on canvas 195x130 "I love you"

Now, follow us for a ride around images of the Abbey ...