Is a brown envelope to Jean Lapierre? The RIN addresses the media blockade.
Vigil: Fortress of national information
This week, the RIN has issued its first press release at CNW.
All media have received. No one has mentioned.
I tell you this week.
First, we used the media lists that Cape Town has published on independence. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, the RIN has sent over 1200 emails to media across the country. Nothing. No results. At least we no results have had an echo.
Since RIN activists working for nearly two years to the rebirth of this citizens' movement, we are determined to scrape the bottom of our pockets to publish, at great cost, our first official statement on this thread used by all news media. The press release came across the wire at 10 24 pm Dec. 8, with a reminder the next day at 7 am
The first to visit the RIN, two minutes after this release was the "House of Commons of Canada". Afterwards, everyone came: the National Assembly, the Quebec government, media, France, Belgium, UAE, U.S., etc..
I do not know if the newspapers have spoken or even if they speak, but no electronic media has done.
No? Not quite. One radio station phoned for a telephone interview: 98.1 CHOI Radio X de Québec. I told them that their reputation preceding them, I was prepared to meet them in the studio eye to eye, all open mics without hocus-pocus or manipulation. So I will travel to Quebec soon.
Then, nothing. Omerta The most complete. Even journalists and broadcasters who prey daily to the Charest government, who are raising their voices, which give an air of great Democrats, said nothing, nothing.
And yet I told them all, in addition, written personally. Think of a journalist or presenter known, he received an email. Corus Radio-Canada (TJ - The corridors of power), RueFrontenac, TVA, LCN, etc..
None seen fit to spend 15 seconds in a newscast, saying "We just learned the rebirth of the NIR is to follow. Sorry!
But why am I called Jean Lapierre subtitle and not others?
Because Jean Lapierre, I phoned him. I talked to him. I asked him if he had read our press release. No (!), "He said. Surprising from one who takes a shower with his Blackberry. Power failure, it seems. But I'll go to the newswire to read it, "he replied. Did he read? I never know, but I have not heard from him and he has not spoken. This morning he spoke, inter alia, Yves Michaud and took the opportunity to spit his venom to the winds.
short, it's Omerta.
Yet it seems that the revival of the NIR is in itself an event.
Well, I think. They all spoke of the creation of the Freedom Network Quebec.
Will they send a brown envelope?
Michel Laurence
Temporary President of the NIR