Friday, December 3, 2010

Bmx Ramps For Sale Wooden

Why JDEM the union president, Mr. Raynald Leblanc, not talking does not it?

Mr. Lisée

PKP What you wrote in the letter 'm was told months ago by someone I have full confidence. I had not seen the documents you have sent, but they confirm his statements.

I notice that many have commented on this block without first consult these documents.

So I heard about this agreement following a meeting between PKP and the union president, Mr. Raynald Leblanc, December 24, 2008. I was told that even before the CSN begins his boycott of JDM.

Since then, I who am a trade unionist and separatist at heart, I wonder what game played by the NSC.

revamp the image of the plant?

a personal grudge?

Certainly degeneration this conflict is happening on the backs of workers JDM.

These days, I ask questions.

Here's one for Mr. Raynald Leblanc: "Why do not you confirm About PKP because you know he is telling the truth? Who prevents you? "

Finally, there may be not only the construction and financing of political parties should be investigated!


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