Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Should I Shower Before I Wax My Chest

Thanks to Robert de Hesseln, geographer of the King ...

Universal Dictionary of France, containing the geographical description and history of the provinces, cities, towns & remarkable places in the kingdom, the state of its current population, its clergy, its troops, navy, its finances, its courts, and other parts of government. All the short history France, divided in three races of our kings; circumstantial details about the productions of land, industry and commerce of the inhabitants; & dignities on the great offices of state, the judicial offices & ; military posts, as well as those of all other branches of government (1771)

rizay, Abbey commendatory of men, Cistercian, daughter of Beine, Lower Poitou, on the river Lay, in a parish called the Puy Maufrey. They say she founded around the year 1124, the congregation united with the Cistercian around 1145, under Guichard, abbot Pontigny. The church is under the invocation of the Assumption. It remains a monk in that house, which the abbot gives a bare minimum. This prelate has about 3000 pounds of income & pay only 63 guilders third at the court of Rome for his bubble. " Pages 409 and 410, Volume VI


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